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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to Blanch String Beans

Things You'll Need:

  • 1 pound string beans
  • Large bowl
  • Colander
  • Large pot with lid
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Timer
  • Ice
  • Water
  • Large bowl
  • Tongs or slotted spoon
  • Vinaigrette to taste (optional)
  • Toasted almonds to taste (optional)

    Trimming String Beans

  1. Choose your string beans. Make sure they are as thin as possible. The thinner the bean, the younger (and more delicious) it is. Choose string beans that are bright and firm.

  2. Remove the string from your string beans. Snap off their small, leafy heads, and then pull the string away from the pod. It should come off easily. Continue to de-string your string beans, tossing the finished beans into a colander and the strings and heads into a large bowl.

  3. Carefully rinse the string beans. Let them drain in the colander until dry.

  4. Fill a large pot with water. Add salt. Cover and bring to a boil.

  5. While you are waiting for your water to boil, trim the string beans. Remove their stems (if any) and snap in half if desired.
  6. Blanching String Beans

  7. Add the string beans to the boiling, salted water. Set your timer to go off in 3 to 4 minutes (depending upon how crisp you prefer your beans.)

  8. Fill a large bowl halfway with ice. Add water to cover and place close to hand.

  9. When your timer goes off, remove the beans from the boiling water, using tongs or a slotted spoon. Place them in the bowl of ice water, and chill for at least ten minutes before removing.

  10. Using tongs, remove the string beans from their ice bath and place in the colander. Allow them to drain until dry.

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